Monday, 24 August 2015

Weekend Rendevous - Port Dickson

Weekend Rendevous

Oh boy, how I need a vacation so badly! Stressing myself out with a pile of work, and not loving your current job makes you wanna leave everything behind and just go anywhere (How I wish it was that easy). You know when it’s the end of the month and you’re budgeting to save till your next pay. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, I got an invitation!! Wohooooo! With what I had left in my pocket, I took my siblings and a cousin of mine for a random road trip. Wazing our way and ended..


Lexis Hibiscus – Port Dickson

The moment I entered the lobby I was like woowzersss! Yeah man. We had to take a buggy to go to our room. Vroom Vrommm!

Ding Dong! We are here!

 Our POV

Swimming and enjoying the sunset view. 

 Till we meet again. Familiots

This is exactly what I need. Many thanks to Papa Bard and Mummy Tina for the lovely getaway.

Andddd, a video edited by Badri Ibrahim. Check em out peeps

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Travel Bloggers You Should Be Reading

Laura Walker - A Wandering Sole - As you can tell by the cute pun in the title, Laura does a lot of walking. She's got a self-confessed itch from that travel bug, and ultimately her posts are meant to inspire others to do what she did - take off and see the world. Using lots of gorgeous photo montages, she takes us with her on her travels and continues on her mission to expose the commonality underneath all our differences.
Kate McCulley - Adventurous Kate - If you've ever been a woman attempting to plan a solo trip to various parts of the world, it can be intimidating. But Kate is determined to show all of us that a solo traveling gal can be safe, have fun, and do it on the cheap. And her blog seems to prove it, with lots of dispatches and anecdotes from locations around the globe. Even if you can't leave the country, Kate's blog is an easy read for a little mental escapism.
Abby Tegnelia - The Neon Jungle Princess - Abby is one of those brave travelers that has the gift of conveying what was so enticing about her journey. Far from the dozens of photos you're forced to sit through when your friends return from a week in South America, Abby is able to hone in and speak to the soul of a trip. She also rounds-up spots to eat, stay, and even throws in a dose of international politics for good measure.
Sally - Unbrave Girl - People are often daunted by the idea of traveling, unsure of how to leave their home behind, even if they want to. Sally's blog is reinforcement for those people - she honestly relates her fears and obstacles, and keeps on trekking anyway. An inspiring read for all those vicarious travelers jonesing to book a one-way ticket.

Most popular blog styles and types

Personal blogs share thoughts, original art, poems, writing, photography, and even sell custom crafts, art, or products. If you just want to make a statement, have fun, or blog for therapy, a personal blog is perfect for your needs. Example of good personal blog isSideshow.
business type blog

Business blogs are created with the voice of the company for marketing outreach, and are used as the public relations of a company. This type of blog is ideal for small organizations that need to publish information for their customers or members. Example of effective business blog is Brazen Careerist.
niche type blog

Niche/topical blogs focus on a particular interest. They could be about health, gardening, education, sport, fashion, pets, or almost any other special interest. If you are a collector of antiques, a travel addict, or just love cooking, there is a blog waiting for you. These blogs easily attract loyal followers, which contribute to the fun of blogging. Example of niche blog is Gracefull Plate.
media type blog

Media-type blogs depend on the content used. If you enjoy video blogging, then you're a vlogger. If you curate content from other websites, then you have a linklog. If you post photos or art sketches on your blog, then it's a photoblog or artblog. Example of media-type blog is Pointless Blog.
reverse type blog

Reverse blogs are unique but popular type of blog. Instead of the owner creating content, the content is supplied by the public. A reverse blog has a team who moderate posts, prevent unpleasant interactions, and promote slow topics for greater interactivity. Example of reverse blog is Medium.